Terms and Conditions

The following document is translated from the Dutch version, and is not legally binding. In the event of discrepancies between the Dutch text and the translation, as well as in the event of any disputes, the Dutch text will be the guiding document.



  1. The study trip is a multi-day event that is only accessible to members- and favourers of via, excluding first-year bachelor students and persons under 18 years of age. For the remainder of this document, the described group will be referred to as: 'members'.
  2. The registration for the study trip will open on December 5 2023 at 3:00 PM and will take place on the website of study association via.
  3. The study trip has 25 available places. These spots will be allocated to the registered members according to the "first come, first serve" method. Members who sign up after all the places have been assigned will be placed on the reserve list.
  4. Members on the reserve list have precedence over previously unregistered members, if, at a later date, spots for the study trip will be released.
  5. The order in which members are picked from the reserve list, is based on the date and time those individuals were put on the reserve list.




  1. On the 22nd of December 2023, the down payment of 500 euros must be received from all the registered members, provided that the person in question is not on the reserve list. If the payment has not been made before this deadline, the application will be cancelled and the spot will be given to another member. After the deposit, the registration for the study trip is final. After this down payment is done, the member guarantees that they will also pay the remainder.
  2. The remainder of the total amount (849 euros) must be paid before the 1st of March 2024. If the payment obligation is not met on the above-mentioned date, the person in question will be deregistered for the study trip and the deposit will not be refunded.
  3. All payments are to be made through Mollie to VIA excursies en reizen (VER). You will receive your personal links via the confirmation emails to make these deposits via Mollie. Not received? Contact studytrip@ver-foundation.nl.



  1. Until March 19 2024, it is possible for members to deregister for the study trip. The down payment and the remaining payment can only be refunded if the vacant place can be filled by an individual from the reserve list or if the member in question submits a replacement. After March 19 2024 the places are fixed and it will no longer be possible to exchange spots with other members.
  2. Alternate members are always first taken from the reserve list. In the event that no alternate member can be selected from the reserve list, a person of preference can be nominated to fill the empty spot.

Code of conduct


  1. If the member does not attend the study trip, VER retains the right to hold the member responsible for incurred costs. These are the costs that VER made for the participation of the member for the study trip, on top of the price of the ticket. The amount of the no-show clause is €200.00.
  2. During the study trip, a committee appointed by VER is in charge and all of their instructions must be followed. In extreme cases, not following instructions will result in direct expulsion from the study trip, after which the individual is responsible for arranging and paying for his or her own return trip to the Netherlands. VER reserves the right in case of any breach of this article to apply the consequences described in article 1 of this chapter of these terms regarding the recovery of costs made for the members participation, on top of the price of the ticket.
  3. If a member is not present on time at one of the prior agreed-upon places, the individual him/herself is responsible for, among other things, transport to be able to rejoin the group. Even if the aforementioned person misses the plane, this individual is responsible for transport to the intended destination. Under no circumstances does the by via appointed committee wait for latecomers.
  4. When registering for the study trip, each individual also registers for all the (educational) activities during the study trip. Failure to participate in these activities during the study trip without a valid reason results in an immediate exclusion from the study trip, after which the individual is responsible for arranging and paying for his or her own return trip to the Netherlands. VER reserves the right in case of any breach of this article to apply the consequences described in article 1 of this chapter of these terms regarding the recovery of costs made for the members participation, on top of the price of the ticket.
  5. The exception to the above article is the visit to Machu Picchu. Members need to purchase a separate add-on for this to join. Once a member has purchased this, the member is still responsible for being at the prior agreed-upon places on time. If a member is not present at one of the prior agreed-upon places on time, the individual is responsible for, among other things, transportation to rejoin the group.
  6. Members of the study trip must adhere to local laws and regulations: non-compliance with the rules results in an immediate exclusion from the study trip, after which the individual is responsible for arranging and paying for his or her return trip to the Netherlands. VER reserves the right in case of any breach of this article to apply the consequences described in article 1 of this chapter of these terms regarding the recovery of costs made for the members participation, on top of the price of the ticket.
  7. Members of the study trip must carry a passport valid from at least March 1st 2024 to November 10 2024. Failure to do so will result in immediate exclusion from the study trip, after which the individual will be responsible for arranging and paying for their return trip to the Netherlands. In the event of violation of this article, VER is entitled to apply the consequences described in article 1 of this chapter of these terms and conditions concerning the recovery of the costs incurred for the member's participation, in addition to the cost of participation.
  8. During the study trip it is strictly forbidden to own, carry and/or use soft and/or hard drugs. Violating this rule results in an immediate exclusion from the study trip, after which the individual is responsible for arranging and paying for his or her return trip to the Netherlands. VER reserves the right in case of any breach of this article to apply the consequences described in article 1 of this chapter of these terms regarding the recovery of costs made for the members participation, on top of the price of the ticket.
  9. VER reserves the right to exclude people from the study trip without giving any reason, should the person misbehave in the eyes of VER or the by via appointed committee during or before the study trip.



  1. The responsible committee appointed by via shall observe all hygienic measures, however, the risk of contamination and the associated follow-up costs are for the traveller themselves.
  2. During the entire trip, both the Dutch guidelines concerning corona and those of the countries of destination must be met. This includes a valid international QR code if this is required. The member is responsible for complying with the measures of the Netherlands and the country of destination. If the member does not comply or does not have all the documents, immediate exclusion from the study trip will follow with all the consequences as described in article 1 of the chapter "Code of conduct" of these conditions regarding the recovery of costs incurred, including the no-show clause.
  3. During the entire study trip, it is compulsory to comply with the local rules and regulations concerning corona. VER and the commission appointed by via reserve all rights to determine whether this is done as desired, resulting in possible exclusion from the trip, with all consequences as described in article 1 of the chapter "Code of conduct" of these conditions regarding the recovery of costs incurred including the no-show clause.
  4. If you are unable to travel because of corona, the normal cancellation conditions as described above apply.



  1. Although VER and the committee appointed by via are responsible for the smooth running of the study trip, they are not liable for any damage to and/or loss of any goods. They are also not liable for physical and/or mental injuries sustained during the study trip.


Personal data


  1. The following data is processed for the study trip: Fist names, Last name, E-mail address, Date of birth, Nationality, Telephone number, Emergency number, Document number, Diet, Allergies, Address, Place of birth, Gender and Copy of passport.
  2. The member is responsible for filling in the personal details correctly. Any additional costs due to data not being provided correctly, should be paid by the member.
  3. The following personal data could be shared with the plane company ‘Groupflights Nederland’ and they could inturn share it with 'Air Europa': First names, Last name, Middle name, Date of birth, Gender, Document number, Document expiry date, Passport issueing country, Copy of Passport and Nationality.
  4. The following personal data could be shared with the plane company ‘JetSMART Perú': First names, Last name, Middle name, Date of birth, Gender, Document number, Document expiry date, Passport issueing country, Copy of Passport and Nationality.
  5. The following personal data could be shared with the hostels named 'Pariwana', 'The Bear Packer' and 'Maypa Lima Airport': First names, last name, Date of birth, Document number and Copy of passport.
  6. The followoing personal data could be shared with the 'Informatieservice Buitenlandse Zaken':  E-mail address and Telephone number.
  7. The followoing personal data could be shared with 'CUSCOPERU.COM TOUR OPERATOR E.I.R.L.': First names, Last name, Date of birth, Nationality and Document number
  8. The by via appointed committee will remind the travel organizations to destroy the data after the activity. The by via appointed committee will also destroy the personal data under its own management and/or make such data irreversibly anonymous. If there are any questions about the personal data or about the agreements made regarding the personal data, then we ask you to contact us by the e-mail address: studytrip@ver-foundation.nl.
  9. During the study trip, photos and videos are made by the photo committee of via and by the by via appointed committee. These photos and videos will be filtered and then published on a secure part of the via website. This part of the website is only accessible for registered via members. If you object to this, you can let the committee know by e-mailing studytrip@ver-foundation.nl. Furthermore, the photos and videos can be shared with via. Via will then be able to use this image material in the newsletter, on the screen in the association room and possibly for other promotional purposes.



  1. At all times do VER and the by via appointed committee have the right to make minor changes to the Terms and Conditions, when the circumstances make this desirable, provided that the changes are immediately communicated to the members. In addition, VER and the by via appointed committee may change the Terms and Conditions on an essential point, provided that the circumstances are well-founded, and, immediately communicated to the particular member. Members reserve the right to reject changes, if, they lead to a more than slight disadvantage for the individual in question.


Final provision


  1. A deviation from the Terms and Conditions is only possible with written provision.
  2. In all cases of doubt about all possible circumstances, VER or the by via appointed committee decide.